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Best Over The Counter Sleep Pills

Best Over The Counter Sleep Pills, Hypnotic, or soporific drugs, commonly known as sleeping pills, are a class of psychoactive drugs whose primary function is to induce sleep and to treat insomnia. This group of drugs is related to sedatives.

Sleeping pills treat insomnia by making you feel drowsy and relaxed. Sleep aids, including natural ones like melatonin, can cause side effects. You may feel confused or sleepy during the day. Some people walk or eat in their sleep (parasomnia).

Buy Sonata Sleeping Pills Online UK

Buy Sonata Sleeping Pills Online from in UK within 48 hours. Sleeping pills treat insomnia by making you feel drowsy and relaxed. Sleep aids, including natural ones like melatonin, can cause side effects. You may feel confused or sleepy during the day. Some people walk or eat in their sleep (parasomnia). Other nondrug therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are better at improving sleep.

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How do sleeping pills work?

There are various types of sleeping pills. Each works differently. Some sleep aids cause drowsiness, while others silence the area of the brain that keeps you alert.

How effective are sleeping pills?

Studies show that sleeping pills aren’t that helpful in promoting a good night’s rest. Most people who take sleep aids fall asleep about eight to 20 minutes faster than those without medicine. On average, you might get an additional 35 minutes of shuteye.

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What are the types of over-the-counter (OTC) sleeping pills?

Any adult can buy OTC sleep medications at a store. OTC sleep aids often contain an antihistamine. This drug treats allergies, but it can also make you drowsy.

Some people take melatonin or valerian supplements to help them sleep. Melatonin is a hormone your body naturally produces that promotes sleep. Valerian is an herb that supposedly aids relaxation and sleep.

Names of Sleeping Pills

What are the best medications for sleep?

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